Sunday, February 6, 2011

National Geographic - Journey To The Edge Of The Universe

Serious amazing videos. If you get a chance, check it out.
I honestly sat and thought for hours about life the universe, and everything.

10/10 for any thinkers, philosophers or scientists.


  1. videos like this always make me question why we're on a floating ball in space, spooky stuff! yet AMAZING!

  2. I love this stuff, i wish i could live long enough to see all this with my own eyes

  3. So I actually sat through the entire thing, and well, thank you for sharing. I really thought National Geo was on a down hill slope with most of their programming, this proved me wrong.

  4. I've seen this, it's something everyone should watch. Nice share.

  5. Hey, nice post, looking forward to the next ones. :)

  6. Not a big NG fan, to be honest; I'm more of a DS man. :D
    I'll check it out a bit later.

  7. the universe just amazes me more and more every day

  8. Space has always been an interesting subject to me... :)

  9. I will check it at evening. Thanks for sharing :)

  10. Deep stuff, we are but dust on the wind...

  11. I'll check it out when I get the chance. Although it doesn't seem like something you should be watching on youtube. Following you.

  12. It makes you wonder huh? what's out there on the universe and if there's actually an end to it.

  13. It really does make you think of our universe. How big it is, how much we know. I really hope I get to see something incredible before I die.

  14. awesome vid, cheers bro, saved it with Orbit (no pun intended!)

  15. I saw this yesterday. What it got me thinking was what a waste of planets to just be drifting there with no life. And it also got me thinking, what if Mercury and Venus are in the middle of their evolution process?

    PS I'm neither a philosopher or scientist. Just an insignificant reader.
