Wednesday, February 9, 2011

NASA releases Sun's 3D image

Read more about it here:

But this is actually amazing, seeing how technology has been advancing.
It seems like yesterday (for my parents) watching the moon landing when they were young.

Because of this, It makes it easier to predict space weather and solar flares that may come in contact with earth.



  1. This is neat! My local planetarium has a presentation on the sun, hopefully they'll go 3D too. :)

  2. sounds very interesting, i hope this will help us

  3. there is an open ftp server from the nasa, where you can download images from the earth, the sun, the moon and others. if i find the link, ill post a second comment.
    b2t: i wonder how late this video get public. would it not be easier to send out 4 satelites isntead of 2 (one for each quarter)?

  4. that's pretty awesome actually. i don't think there is one person on the planet that, when they see pictures of space, he isn't in awe. no matter how many pictures of space and celestial bodies i see it always amazes me.
    to anon- 4 sats=double the price that's a lot of money since a sat is between 1/2 a bill to a bill a piece

  5. This was also on the BBC here in the UK...

  6. this is amazing. i just finished watching

  7. Amazing how technology is evolving really fast...

  8. Makes me think why do we keep reducing the space budget.

  9. This is interesting. The first time we can actually view the sun and it looks like just the same way hollywood did in the movies.

  10. Aw i thought it was going to be a video of the 3d shots, they really used the same image twice in the video. Hahah

  11. The way that guy talks. lol.
    Great idea. But why doesn't the satellite melt?

  12. Wow this is incredible. It's amazing how fast we're advancing.

  13. Very nice to see nasa doesn't sit and do nothing. Also about that when you said about predicting space weather easier i think they should first consentrate on getting the weather prognoses on earth right lol.

  14. Holy crap that is awesome, go nasa!

  15. I love this kind of stuff! It's inspired me to go watch the Nova series on PBS (streaming off their site!)

  16. Amazing the technology these days. Yeah, they will have to do extensive mapping to really get an accurate measure of the solar flares though.

  17. Pretty crazy to think we had never actually seen the other side of the sun before

  18. :O really fascinating post, this is really awesome! solar flares? BRING EM ON!

  19. That's pretty badass. I wonder what else Nasa is working on.

  20. i heard this before in BBC it's crazy 3d image you let us know more about the space

  21. This is amazing. I had always wanted to work for NASA as a child, but it seems like all the cool stuff is already discovered in our solar system. To the galaxy!
